Bill Rowles Youth Foundation Fund grants support
- Programs that enhance the lives of young people under the age of 21 in northwest Ohio
- Priority consideration will be given to organizations and programs that serve youth who have had contact with the juvenile justice system, experienced school suspension or expulsion, or have other behavioral challenges
- Preference will be given to Wood County organization
To access the online application click here.
Katherine Smith Funds for Youth support projects in the following areas:
- Programs that enhance the lives of young people under the age of 18 in northwest Ohio
- Programs that benefit youth residing in Lucas or Wood Counties
- Program operational expenses for existing services
- Program expenditures associated with establishment of new programs
To access the online application click here.
Grants support projects in the following areas:
- Programs that promote overall fitness and wellness of children.
- Projects that encourage activities during warm weather months.
- Capital projects designed to maintain or construct new sporting venues
To access the online application click here.
Applications are accepted on a continual basis. Grants from this fund:
- Support projects, programs or services that provide educational opportunities that promote greater understanding of Muslims and the Islamic faith;
- May be used to support multi-faith events if there is a significant emphasis on the Islamic faith;
- Are limited and will be awarded on a competitive basis.
To access the online application click here.
Grants from the Andersons Fund Supporting Organization support capital improvement projects in the following areas:
- Education, (2) social services, (3) physical & mental health, (4) neighborhood & urban affairs, (5) natural resources, and (6) the arts.
- Capital projects that involve additional funders.
Funds are limited and awarded on a competitive basis.
For further information or to discuss a possible submission, please contact: Christine (Chris) Dziad, Program Officer 419.241.5049.
To access the online application, click here.
Community Builder Funds support projects in the following areas:
- New innovative programs that addresses an unmet community need
- Existing program expansions to reach a unique audience
- Capacity building efforts that benefit existing nonprofit organizations
Requests up to $25,000 will be considered.
Community Impact Funds support projects in the following areas:
- New innovative programs that addresses unmet community needs
- Existing program expansion to reach unique audiences
Requests in the amount of $50,000 or greater will be considered.