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Donor Portal
Create a Fund - Nonprofit

As one of the nation's leading philanthropic foundations, Greater Toledo Community Foundation provides expert resources to help individuals, families, businesses, foundations and nonprofits achieve their charitable goals. Let us help you reach yours.

Claires Day

Giving back through the creation of a fund should be easy.  At Greater Toledo Community Foundation, it is.

First, we offer a helping hand. We work with you and your financial or legal advisor to define your charitable goals and identify areas of philanthropic interest.

Second, we help you determine the most effective vehicle for your charitable giving - an individual or family donor advised fund, field of interest fund or corporate foundation. Whatever your charitable goals are, the staff at Greater Toledo Community Foundation can help find a way to accomplish your philanthropic goals.

Third, we offer our expertise in grantmaking, charitable estate planning, due diligence, fiscal management and legal requirements. With more than 45 years of philanthropic expertise at our disposal, you can be assured that your gifts will be channeled quickly and effectively to the organizations you want to help - with the minimum administrative burden on you.

But it begins by determining the proper gift option, then opening a fund.

If you would like more information on the charitable giving options available through the Foundation, contact our staff for more information.

Kurstn Loeffler
Vice President of Philanthropic Services 
[email protected]
Taylor Greenwood
Taylor Greenwood
Philanthropic Services Officer
[email protected]
Ashley Yoakam
Ashley Yoakam 
Philanthropic Services Officer
[email protected]
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