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Kiriyanthan & Thresiamma Jacob

Nearly 50 years ago, Kiriyanthan Jacob graduated with an engineering degree from the University of Michigan and left for his homeland, India, to find a bride. 

Kiriyanthan & Thresiamma Jacob
Kiriyanthan & Thresiamma Jacob

The adventure concluded in his wedding to Thresiamma, herself a recent graduate from medical school.  Together, they returned to make a new home in Northwest Ohio. 

Two careers, two children, and twelve grandchildren later, the Jacobs began to consider ways they could use their estate to help others.  They wanted to provide for community needs here — and they had a deep, heartfelt commitment to something special in India.

“Years ago, we visited an institution near my hometown that served the mentally ill,” said Dr. Jacob. “We decided to construct a new rehab center there, which was completed in 2009.”  Dr. Jacob, a psychiatrist, explained:  “Their services are badly needed, because mental problems are still very taboo in India.  They receive no government or church funds, so private donations are essential.”

When their attorney learned of their interest in continuing to provide for the mental health center, he advised the Jacobs each establish a Legacy Fund with the Toledo Community Foundation.  A Legacy Fund is created while the donor is living, but has no assets until a “trigger event,” usually a death, occurs.

“Government restrictions make donating to overseas charities difficult,” Mr. Jacob observed.  “The Foundation has the capacity to properly vet the recipients of our gifts, and to make sure all government requirements are met.”

The Jacobs also like that their Legacy Funds bring ongoing blessings to others in both countries.  “Rather than making a one-time gift, a Foundation endowment will provide funds to the charities we choose for years to come,” said Mr. Jacob. “Working with the Toledo Community Foundation made that possible.”

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